Fukuzawa Memorial Center for Modern Japanese Studies, Keio University, Exhibition of Newly Acquired Materials, 2023

As is our New Year’s custom, the Fukuzawa Yukichi Memorial Centre would like to introduce our newly acquired materials. This practice has a long history at Keio. Every year on January 10th, Fukuzawa Yukichi’s birthday, students, alumni, and others related to Keio University gather to celebrate in a tradition that has continued for over a hundred years, since the end of the Meiji period. During this celebration the venue is decorated with calligraphy by Fukuzawa, and it also serves as an opportunity to welcome in the New Year.
After WWII, Keio University’s newly acquired materials were unveiled at the celebration venue. In recent years this exhibition has moved to the Old Library Building, and is now an annual event. Previously, the exhibition was only open for viewing on one day: January 10th. However, since the opening of the Keio History Museum, we are now able to extend the exhibition period and welcome many more visitors.
As well as letters and calligraphy written by Fukuzawa, this year’s exhibition contains letters written by Fukuzawa’s students, a journal and other items belonging to a student of Keio University in the Meiji period, a book collection owned by a Keio graduate and member of the first graduating class of the Nakano School, geta-style skates worn by the founding members of the Ice-skating club, and many more rarities.
1. Basic overview
Dates: January 10 (Tue.)-February 4 (Sat.), 2023
Closed: Sundays, public holidays
Venue: Old University Library 2nd Floor, Temporary Exhibition Room, Keio History Museum
Open: 10:00-18:00
Admission: Open to all (we recommend that you reserve a spot in advance)
Details: https://history.keio.ac.jp/en/
*Times may be subject to change according to the situation surrounding COVID-19 cases.
Please check the exhibition’s website for the latest information: https://history.keio.ac.jp/en/
2. Featured items
- Honrai muichimotsu to wa iinagara… [To say freedom from attachment…], calligraphy by Fukuzawa Yukichi, 1899.
- Geta Skate worn by Kaneko Yukichi, late Taisho to early Showa period.
- Letter addressed to Ogawa Keizaburo from Inukai Tsuyoshi, sending condolences on the passing of Ogawa Buhei, September 4, 1915.
- Letter addressed to Otabe Rei from Fukuzawa Yukichi, December 14, 1894.
- A Fukuzawa family photo album
- Journal of a student studying at Keio during the Meiji period

5. Venue Access
Venue: Fukuzawa Yukichi Memorial Keio History Museum (“⑪” on the map provided below
on the 2nd floor of the Old University Library)
Address: 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-8345
8-minute walk from Tamachi Station (JR Yamanote Line/JR Keihin-Tohoku Line)
7-minute walk from Mita Station (Toei Subway Asakusa Line/Mita Line)
8-minute walk from Akabanebashi Station (Toei Subway Oedo Line)

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Keio University Office of Communications and Public Relations (Contact person: Toyoda)
Tel. +81 (0)3-5427-1541
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Email: m-pr@adst.keio.ac.jp